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File ResEd.p
Copyright Apple Computer, Inc. 1984-1989
All rights reserved.
Resource editor interface unit for instances of editors and pickers. This should be
included by any C implementation of a resource editor or picker. The
companion file ResDisp.a.o should be linked with the c module to build
the file for inclusion in ResEdit.
Pickers are given a resource type and should display all of that type in
the current resfile in a suitable format. If the picker is given an open call
AND there's a compatible editor, it should give birth to the Editor. The editor
is given a handle to the resource object and it should open up an edit
window for the user.
Note that anybody can open pickers and editors so, for instance, a dialog item list
editor might open an icon Picker for the user to choose an appropriate icon.
The user could also, while in the icon picker, open the icon editor to create
a new icon if desired.
#include <types.h>
#include <quickdraw.h>
#include <lists.h>
#include <controls.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <events.h>
#include <dialogs.h>
/* Standard menus exported by ResEdit */
#define fileMenu 2
#define newItem 1
#define openItem 2
#define openAsItem 3
#define opnOther 3
#define openGeneralItem 4
#define opnGnrl 4
#define closeItem 6
#define saveItem 7
#define revertItem 8
#define getInfoItem 9
#define preferencesItem 10
#define transferItem 12
#define quitItem 13
/* Masks for AbleMenu - normally not used directly. */
#define newMask 2
#define openMask 4
#define openAsMask 8
#define openGnrlMask 0x10
#define closeMask 0x40
#define saveMask 0x80
#define revertMask 0x100
#define getInfoMask 0x200
#define preferencesMask 0x400
#define transferMask 0x1000
#define quitMask 0x2000
#define disabledMask 0xFFFFC001
/* Mask combinations to be used in calls to AbleMenu. */
#define fileQuit disabledMask + preferencesMask + transferMask + quitMask
#define fileClose fileQuit + closeMask + saveMask
#define fileAll fileClose + newMask + openMask + openAsMask + openGnrlMask + revertMask + getInfoMask
#define fileNoRevert fileAll - revertMask
#define fileNoInfo fileAll - getInfoMask
#define fileNoNew fileAll - newMask
#define fileNoOpen fileClose + newMask + revertMask + getInfoMask
#define fileNoNewOrOpen fileNoOpen - newMask
#define fileTop fileClose + revertMask + getInfoMask
#define fileOpQuOnly fileQuit + openMask + openAsMask + openGnrlMask
#define fileROMStuff fileQuit + openMask + openAsMask + openGnrlMask + closeMask + getInfoMask
#define fileDiskStuff fileQuit + newMask + openMask + closeMask + getInfoMask
#define editMenu 3
#define undoItem 1
#define cutItem 3
#define copyItem 4
#define pasteItem 5
#define clearItem 6
#define dupItem 8
/* Masks for AbleMenu - normally not used directly. */
#define undoMask 0x2
#define cutMask 0x8
#define editCopyMask 0x10
#define pasteMask 0x20
#define clearMask 0x40
#define duplicateMask 0x100
#define editDisabledMask 0xFFFFFE01
/* Mask combinations to be used in calls to AbleMenu. */
#define editNone editDisabledMask
#define editClear editNone + clearMask
#define editCopy editNone + editCopyMask
#define editPaste editNone + pasteMask
#define editUndoPasteOnly editPaste + undoMask
#define editDup editClear + duplicateMask
#define editNoDup editNone + cutMask + editCopyMask + pasteMask + clearMask /* No dup or undo */
#define editNoUndo editNoDup + duplicateMask
#define editUndNoDup editNoDup + undoMask
#define editAll editNoUndo + undoMask
#define editAcc editUndNoDup
#define editorNameChr 0 /* First char of the name for editors */
/* Standard strings available by calling GetStr. */
#define editStrings 130 /* Resource ID of STR# resource containing the strings. */
#define undoChangeStr 1
#define redoChangeStr 2
#define undoCutStr 3
#define redoCutStr 4
#define undoCopyStr 5
#define redoCopyStr 6
#define undoClearStr 7
#define redoClearStr 8
#define undoTypingStr 9
#define redoTypingStr 10
#define undoPasteStr 11
#define redoPasteStr 12
#define undoStr 13
#define miscStrings 129 /* Resource ID of STR# resource containing the strings. */
#define fromStr 1 /* String for window titles. */
#define fullWindowStr 38 /* String for the resizeWind menu item */
#define ownerWindowWindowStr 39
#define newItemStr 40 /* Enter new item number */
#define selectItemStr 41 /* Open which item? */
#define clipBoardErrorStr 42 /* Error accessing the Clipboard. */
#define sndErrorStr 43 /* Error playing a sound. */
#define openAsDotStr 44 /* Open As ... */
#define openAsDITMStr 45 /* Open As Dialog Item */
#define arrowCursor -1 /* Used in the call to SetTheCursor to set the arrow cursor. */
#define minPickStdWidth 150
#define minPickStdRows 4
#define okChoice 1
#define revertResourceAlert 1387 /* Used by all editors to when revert is selected. */
/* Alert kinds used by the DisplayAlert procedure. */
#define displayTheAlert 0
#define displayStopAlert 1
#define displayNoteAlert 2
#define displayCautionAlert 3
typedef unsigned char Str64[65];
/* map entry definition for new resource manager call */
typedef struct {
short rID;
short rNameOff;
long rLocn;
Handle rHndl;
} ResMapEntry;
/* This structure is used by the GetQuickDrawVars procedure. */
typedef struct {
long randSeed;
BitMap screenBits;
Cursor arrow;
Pattern dkGray;
Pattern ltGray;
Pattern gray;
Pattern black;
Pattern white;
GrafPtr thePort;
} QuickDrawVars;
typedef QuickDrawVars *pQuickDrawVars;
/* Each driver has its own object handle. This has to start with a handle
to its parent's object followed by the name distinguishing the father
This name will be part of the son's window title. The next field should
be the window of the obj (may be used by son to get back to the father
(through the refcon in the windowRec). The next field is the rebuild flag
used to indicate that a windows data (e.g. a pickers list) needs to be
recalculated at the next opportunity. The rest of the handle can be of
any format. The name for pickers should be the name of the file or disk.
For editors, the name should be the complete name (not the windows title)
preceded by an editorNameChr character (see const above). An example of a
complete name would be "ALRT ID = -1234 from AFile". This name is used to
uniquely identify a window.
See the manual for detailed documentation of this interface file. */
typedef struct ParentRec {
struct ParentRec **father;
Str64 name; /* Max 64 characters */
WindowPeek wind;
Boolean rebuild; /* flag set by son to indicate that world */
/* has changed so father should rebuild list */
} ParentRec;
typedef ParentRec *ParentPtr;
typedef ParentPtr *ParentHandle;
/* Standard picker record */
typedef struct PickRec {
ParentHandle father; /* Back ptr to dad */
Str64 fName; /* Max 64 characters. */
WindowPtr wind; /* Directory window */
Boolean rebuild;
short pickID; /* ID of this picker */
ResType rType; /* Type for this picker */
short rNum; /* resfile number */
long rSize; /* size of a null resource */
short nInsts; /* Number of instances */
ListHandle instances; /* List of instances */
Ptr drawProc; /* List draw proc */
ControlHandle scroll; /* Scroll bar */
} PickRec;
typedef PickRec *PickPtr;
typedef PickPtr *PickHandle;
/* These routines are used to start pickers and editors.*/
pascal void GiveEBirth(Handle resHandle, PickHandle pick);
pascal void GiveThisEBirth(Handle resHandle, PickHandle pick, ResType openThisType);
pascal void GiveSubEBirth(Handle resHandle, PickHandle pick);
/* These routines are used to feed events and menu calls to the appropriate picker or editor. */
pascal void CallInfoUpdate(short oldID, short newID, long object, short id);
pascal void PassMenu(short menu, short item, ParentHandle father);
/* Window Utilities */
pascal Boolean AlreadyOpen (StringPtr windowTitle, StringPtr windowName, ParentHandle father);
pascal WindowPtr CWindSetup (short width, short height, StringPtr t, StringPtr s);
pascal WindowPtr EditorWindSetup (Boolean color, short width, short height, StringPtr windowTitle,
StringPtr windowName, Boolean addFrom, ParentHandle father);
pascal void GetWindowTitle (StringPtr windowTitle, StringPtr windowName, Boolean addFrom,
ParentHandle father);
pascal void SetETitle(Handle h, StringPtr str);
pascal WindowPtr WindAlloc(void);
pascal void WindReturn(WindowPtr w);
pascal ListHandle WindList(WindowPtr w, short nAcross, Point cSize, short drawProc);
pascal void WindOrigin(WindowPtr);
pascal WindowPtr WindSetup(short width, short height, StringPtr t, StringPtr s);
/* Extended Resource Manager */
pascal short CurrentRes(void);
pascal Handle Get1Index(ResType, short index);
pascal Handle Get1Res(ResType, short id);
pascal Boolean NeedToRevert (WindowPtr myWindow, Handle theRes);
pascal void RemoveResource (Handle theRes);
pascal Boolean RevertThisResource (ParentHandle theObj, Handle theRes);
pascal short SysResFile(void);
/* Miscellaneous utilities */
pascal void Abort(void);
pascal void AbleMenu(short menu, long enable);
pascal Boolean AddNewRes(Handle hNew, ResType t, short idNew, StringPtr s);
pascal void BubbleUp(Handle);
pascal short BuildType(ResType t, ListHandle l);
pascal Boolean CheckError(short err, short msgID);
pascal Boolean CloseNoSave(void);
pascal void ConcatStr(StringPtr str1, StringPtr str2);
pascal short DefaultListCellSize(void);
pascal short DisplayAlert(short which, short id);
pascal void FixHand(long s, Handle h);
pascal void FlashDialogItem (DialogPtr dp, short item);
pascal void FrameDialogItem (DialogPtr dp, short item);
pascal pQuickDrawVars GetQuickDrawVars(void);
pascal void GetStr(short num, short list, StringPtr str);
pascal void GrowMyWindow (short minWidth, short minHeight, WindowPtr windPtr, ListHandle);
pascal Boolean HandleCheck(Handle h, short msgID);
pascal void MetaKeys(short *cmd, short *shift, short *opt);
pascal Handle NewRes(long s, ResType t, ListHandle l, short *n);
pascal void PickEvent(EventRecord *evt, PickHandle pick);
pascal void PickInfoUp(short oldID, short newID, PickHandle pick);
pascal void PickMenu(short menu, short item, PickHandle pick);
pascal short PickStdRows(void);
pascal short PickStdWidth(void);
pascal short ResEdID(void);
pascal void SendRebuildToPickerAndFile (ResType theType, ParentHandle parent) ;
pascal void SetResChanged(Handle h);
pascal void SetTheCursor (short whichCursor);
pascal void ShowInfo(Handle h, ParentHandle father);
pascal void TypeToString(ResType t, StringPtr s);
pascal void UseAppRes(void) =
{ 0x3f38, 0x0900, /* move.w CurApRefNum,-(sp) */
0xa998 }; /* _UseResFile */
pascal Boolean WasAborted(void);
/* Routines that are used internally withing ResEdit and may be useful in other
circumstances. */
pascal void CallEBirth(Handle thing, ParentHandle parent, short id);
pascal void CallEvent(EventRecord *evt, long object, short id);
pascal void CallMenu(short menu, short item, long object, short id);
pascal void CallPBirth(ResType t, ParentHandle parent, short id);
pascal Handle CopyRes(Handle *h, Boolean makeID, short resNew);
pascal void DoKeyScan(EventRecord *evt, short offset, ListHandle lh);
pascal void DoListEvt(EventRecord e, ListHandle l);
pascal Handle DupPick(Handle h, Cell c, PickHandle pick);
pascal Boolean GetType(Boolean templatesOnly, StringPtr s);
pascal void KillCache(void);
pascal void RCalcMask(Ptr srcPtr, Ptr dstPtr,
short srcRow, short dstRow, short height, short words);
pascal short ResEditRes(void) =
{0x3eB8, 0x0900}; /* move.w CurApRefNum,(sp) */
pascal void ScrapCopy(Handle *h);
pascal void ScrapEmpty(void);
pascal void ScrapPaste(Boolean pasteAll, ResType typeToPaste, short resFile);
/* Obsolete routines that are left in for compatability. */
pascal Boolean RevertResource(Handle);